What are the benefits of using a specialist kitchen painter?

As with most things in life you get what you pay for ! Kitchen cabinet painting may seem like an easy task that any regular painter or proficient DIY’ers can do , but BELIVE ME, in reality it can be quiet complex. Firstly you’ll need to consider the best way of approaching the job. How much time do you have? How are you going to organise your workspace? What is the best product for cleaning the units? How will you carefully sand back the surface ? Will the primer adhere to the substrate if you’ve missed any areas? You don’t want to get into a situation where the primer won’t stick ! How will you go about masking up the woodwork ? What is the best masking tape to use, there’s so many of them ? Should you remove the handles, the doors and drawer fronts ? Does your kitchen get a lot of traffic? What is the best primer and eggshell to use and will they be durable enough.

Once all of the above has been figured out you’ll then need to be practiced in the art of knowing HOW to apply both primer and top coats in a clean, even manner ensuring there’s no drips or ‘visible orange peel’. PHEW….!! The process of painting a new or refurbishing an old kitchen can be tedious, VERY time-consuming and beyond the reach of many peoples patience and schedules. Hand painting kitchen cabinets requires A LOT of attention to detail. Believe me !! After all the prep work the last thing you will want to see are visible brushstrokes , dragging paint or bits of grit and dust on your freshly painted kitchen doors.

Hiring a specialist painter to hand paint your kitchen is a smart move. It guarantees their experience and expert knowledge leaving you to feel confident the job will be carried out in a professional, timely manner using all the correct equipment. Proper protection will be used on floors and worktop surfaces , your kitchen surface will be thoroughly prepared and only the most up to date and hardwearing quality products used …..products like Zinsser Bin , Mylands paint, Little Green paints, Tikkurila paint to name a few.

We all know having renovations done can be stressful so hiring a passionate professional makes life easier for you. The last thing anyone wants is to fork out the extra cost of rectifying a poorly painted kitchen !!!!


How does the colour Green make you feel?